Uncommon Biblical Girl Names With Meanings

Welcome to our blog post on uncommon biblical girl names with meanings! Are you looking for unusual biblical girl names?

Here is a list of 193 uncommon biblical girl names that have meanings.

Uncommon Biblical Girl Names With Meanings

So, let’s detail uncommon biblical girl names with meanings.

Uncommon Biblical Girl Names With Meanings

Here is a list of some uncommon biblical girl names, along with their meanings:

1. Abigail = Father’s joy

2. Abihail = My father is strength

3. Abilene = Land of meadows

4. Achsah = Anklet

5. Adah = Adornment

6. Adalia = Noble one

7. Adina = Delicate

8. Adriel = Flock of God

9. Ahava = Love

10. Ahinoam = Brother of pleasantness

11. Aksah = Anklet

12. Albina = White

13. Aliza = Joyful

14. Ariel = Lion of God

15. Asenath = Dedicated, consecrated

16. Atarah = Crown

17. Athaliah = Yahweh is exalted

18. Avital = Father of dew

19. Azariah = Yahweh has helped

20. Azubah = Forsaken

21. Bashemath = Sweet fragrance

22. Beulah = Married

23. Bilhah = Timid, bashful

24. Candace = Pure

25. Caphtor = A crown

26. Carmi = Vine dresser

27. Channah = Grace

28. Charity = Love, benevolence

29. Chephirah = Village

30. Cherith = Cutting, separation

31. Chilion = Destruction

32. Chloe = Blooming

33. Claudia = Lame

34. Cozbi = Liar

35. Cyrene = Sovereign queen

36. Damaris = Gentle

37. Darda = Pearl of wisdom

38. Delilah = Delicate

39. Devorah = Bee

40. Dinah = Judged

41. Dorcas = Gazelle

42. Drusilla = Fruitful

43. Eden = Delight

44. Eliora = God is my light

45. Elisha = God is my salvation

46. Elkanah = God has created

47. Elnathan = God has given

48. Enosh = Human being

49. Ephah = Darkness

50. Ephrath = Fruitful

51. Eran = Watchful

52. Eri = My city

53. Eshcol = Cluster of grapes

54. Esther = Star

55. Eunice = Good victory

56. Eunomia = Good order

57. Eve = Life

58. Galilee = Circuit

59. Gazelle = Graceful

60. Hadassah = Myrtle tree

61. Hagar = Flight

62. Hagar = Forsaken

63. Hazar=shual = Village of the fox

64. Hepzibah = My delight is in her

65. Herodias = Heroic

66. Hodesh = New moon

67. Hodiah = Praise of the Lord

68. Huldah = Mole

69. Illyricum = Land of the Illyrians

70. Ira = Watchful

Pretty Biblical Girl Names Wth Meanings

71. Iscah = To behold

72. Ishbah = Captivity

73. Jael = Mountain goat

74. Jedidah = Beloved of the Lord

75. Jemima = Dove

76. Jerah = Moon

77. Jeriah = Taught by God

78. Jerusha = Possession

79. Jerushah = Inheritance

80. Jether = Excellence

81. Joanna = God is gracious

82. Jokshan = Snarer

83. Jorim = Yahweh is exalted

84. Karmi = Vine dresser

85. Kedemah = East

86. Keilah = Citadel

87. Kelita = Little one

88. Keren=happuch = Horn of antimony

89. Kerith = Cutting, separation

90. Keturah = Incense

91. Keturah = Incense

92. Kezia = Cassia tree

93. Keziah = Cassia tree

94. Kinneret = Harp

95. Kishon = Winding

96. Lappidoth = Torch

97. Leah = Weary

98. Lehabim = Flames

99. Lemuel = Belonging to God

100. Maacah = Oppression

101. Maai = Bitter

102. Maaseiah = Work of the Lord

103. Magdalene = From Magdala

104. Mahalath = Lyre

105. Mahlah = Sickness

Rare Biblical Girl Names With Meanings

106. Mareshah = Possession

107. Mehetabel = God makes happy

108. Melchizedek = King of righteousness

109. Mephibosheth = Dispeller of shame

110. Merab = Increase

111. Merari = Bitter

112. Micaiah = Who is like the Lord?

113. Michal = Who is like God?

114. Michmash = Hidden

115. Milcah = Queen

116. Miriam = Bitter

117. Mizar = Small

118. Moriah = The Lord is my teacher

119. Muppim = Waters

120. Myrrh = Bitter

121. Naarah = Girl

122. Nain = Green pastures

123. Naomi = Pleasant

124. Nehushta = Brazen

125. Nephtoah = Open space

126. Nereus = Water

127. Nisan = Miracle

128. Noa = Motion

129. Nymphas = Bride

130. Oreb = Raven

131. Othniel = Lion of God

132. Palti = Deliverance

133. Peninnah = Coral

134. Penuel = Face of God

135. Pharez = Breach

136. Phinehas = Dark complexion

137. Phoebe = Bright, pure

138. Priscilla = Ancient

139. Puah = Splendid

140. Puvah = Flame

Uncommon biblical girl names with meanings

141. Rahab = Broad, spacious

142. Rebekah = To tie firmly

143. Rehob = Broad place

144. Rinnah = Singing

145. Rizpah = Hot coal

146. Ruth = Companion, friend

147. Sabta = Striking

148. Salome = Peace

149. Samaria = Guarded by God

150. Samson = Sun

151. Sapphira = Sapphire

152. Serah = Princess

153. Shalmai = My garment

154. Shammua = Heard by God

155. Shaul = Asked for

156. Sheariah = Jehovah is song

157. Sheerah = Remnant

158. Shemariah = Guarded by Jehovah

159. Shephatiah = Jehovah has judged

160. Shiloh = He whose it is

161. Shimea = Jehovah has heard

162. Shiphrah = Brightness

163. Shual = Fox

164. Sibmah = Fragrance

165. Sipporah = Bird

166. Sithri = Hidden

167. Susanna = Lily

168. Susannah = Lily

169. Tabitha = Gazelle

170. Talitha = Little girl

171. Tamar = Palm tree

172. Tekoa = Trumpet

173. Thessalonica = Victory against the Thessalians

174. Tirzah = Pleasantness

175. Tryphena = Delicate

Uncommon biblical girl names with meanings

176. Tryphosa = Delicate

177. Tychicus = Fortunate

178. Unni = Afflicted

179. Uriah = The Lord is my light

180. Vashni = And I will not

181. Vashti = Beautiful

182. Vophsi = Addition

183. Yael = Mountain goat

184. Yedidah = Beloved

185. Yiftach = He opens

186. Yizreel = God will sow

187. Yocheved = God is glory

188. Yonadav = God is gracious

189. Zemira = Song

190. Zilpah = Drop

191. Zina = Shining

192. Zohar = Brightness

193. Zuph = Honeycomb

We’ve carefully selected uncommon biblical girl names with meanings. Please pick the best uncommon biblical girl names for your baby girl from our list.

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