Welcome to our blog post on cute biblical girl names in Spanish with meanings! Are you looking for Spanish names for your girl?
Here is a list of 200 cute biblical girl names in Spanish that have meanings.
So, let’s detail cute biblical girl names in Spanish with meanings.
Cute Biblical Girl Names In Spanish With Meanings
Here is a list of some cute biblical girl names in Spanish, along with their meanings:
1. Abda = Esclava (Servant)
2. Abiah = Mi Padre es Yahweh (My Father is Yahweh)
3. Abigail = Alegría de mi padre (Joy of my father)
4. Abigail = Padre de alegría (Father of joy)
5. Abihail = Padre de fuerza (Father of strength)
6. Abijah = Mi padre es Yahweh (My father is Yahweh)
7. Abira = Poderosa (Powerful)
8. Abital = Padre de la rocío (Father of dew)
9. Abital = Padre de rocío (Father of dew)
10. Abra = Madre de multitudes (Mother of multitudes)
11. Abra = Padre enérgico (Energetic father)
12. Abriela = Héroe de Dios (Hero of God)
13. Abriella = Fuerte (Strong)
14. Abrienda = Santuario (Sanctuary)
15. Ada = Ornamento (Ornament)
16. Adah = Adorno (Adornment)
17. Adalia = Justicia de Dios (Justice of God)
18. Adalia = La justicia de Dios (God’s justice)
19. Adar = Belleza (Beauty)
20. Adara = Virgen (Virgin)
21. Adelina = Noble, nobleza (Noble)
22. Adina = Delicada (Delicate)
23. Adina = Firme (Steadfast)
24. Adina = Gentil (Gentle)
25. Adra = Virgen (Virgin)
26. Adria = Oscura (Dark)
27. Afra = Polvo (Dust)
28. Agnes = Pura, casta (Pure)
29. Agueda = Buena (Good)
30. Ahinoam = Hermano de gracia (Brother of grace)
31. Aida = Feliz (Happy)
32. Aixa = Vivir (To live)
33. Aksah = Adorno de tobillo (Anklet)
34. Alba = Amanecer (Dawn)
35. Albina = Blanca (White)
36. Alejandra = Defensora de la humanidad (Defender of humanity)
37. Alicia = Noble (Noble)
38. Alma = Alma (Soul)
39. Amalia = Laboriosa (Industrious)
40. Amanda = Digna de ser amada (Worthy of love)
41. Amara = Inmortal (Immortal)
42. Amelia = Laboriosa (Industrious)
43. Ana = Llena de gracia (Full of grace)
44. Anahi = Hermosa (Beautiful)
45. Anaís = Gracia (Grace)
46. Andrea = Fuerte, valiente (Strong, brave)
47. Angela = Mensajera de Dios (Messenger of God)
48. Angelina = Mensajera de Dios (Messenger of God)
49. Anita = Llena de gracia (Full of grace)
50. Antonia = Inestimable (Inestimable)
51. Ariadna = Muy santa (Most holy)
52. Ariana = Muy santa (Most holy)
53. Ariel = León de Dios (Lion of God)
54. Atara = Coronada (Crowned)
55. Atarah = Corona (Crown)
56. Aurora = Amanecer (Dawn)
57. Azubah = Desamparada (Forsaken)
58. Azucena = Lirio (Lily)
59. Bathsheba = Hija del juramento (Daughter of the oath)
60. Beatriz = Bienaventurada (Blessed)
61. Belén = Casa de pan (House of bread)
62. Benita = Bendita (Blessed)
63. Bernice = La que trae la victoria (She who brings victory)
64. Bethel = Casa de Dios (House of God)
65. Bethia = Adoradora de Dios (Worshiper of God)
66. Bethsaida = Casa de pesca (House of fishing)
67. Bilhah = Timidez (Bashfulness)
68. Blanca = Blanca (White)
69. Brenda = Espada de fuego (Sword of fire)
70. Brisa = Brisa (Breeze)
71. Camila = Acólita de dios (Acolyte of God)
72. Carla = Hombre libre (Free man)
73. Carmen = Jardín (Garden)
74. Carolina = Hombre libre (Free man)
75. Catalina = Pura (Pure)
Popular Biblical Girl Names In Spanish With Meanings
76. Cecilia = Cecilia (Blind)
77. Clara = Clara (Clear)
78. Claudia = Cojera (Lame)
79. Clementina = Misericordiosa (Merciful)
80. Constanza = Firme, constante (Firm, constant)
81. Consuelo = Consuelo (Consolation)
82. Cozbi = Mienten (They lie)
83. Cristina = Seguidora de Cristo (Follower of Christ)
84. Damaris = Becerro, ternera (Calf)
85. Daniela = Dios es mi juez (God is my judge)
86. Debora = Abeja (Bee)
87. Débora = Abeja (Bee)
88. Delilah = Delicada (Delicate)
89. Diana = Divina (Divine)
90. Dolores = Dolor (Sorrow)
91. Drusilla = Fruto del campo (Fruit of the field)
92. Edith = Rica en guerra (Rich in war)
93. Efrata = Lugar fructífero (Fruitful place)
94. Elena = Antorcha (Torch)
95. Elisa = Dios es mi juramento (God is my oath)
96. Elisabet = Dios es mi juramento (God is my oath)
97. Eloísa = Famosa en la guerra (Famous in war)
98. Emilia = Rival, esfuerzo (Rival, effort)
99. Esperanza = Esperanza (Hope)
100. Estefanía = Corona (Crown)
101. Estela = Estrella (Star)
102. Eva = Vida (Life)
103. Fabiana = Fabulosa (Fabulous)
104. Felicia = Feliz, afortunada (Happy, fortunate)
105. Fernanda = Atrevida para aventura (Bold for adventure)
106. Flora = Flor (Flower)
107. Francisca = Libre (Free)
108. Gabriela = Mensajera de Dios (Messenger of God)
109. Gema = Joya (Gem)
110. Genoveva = Mujer de raza noble (Woman of noble race)
Cute Biblical Girl Names In Spanish With Meanings
111. Georgina = Agricultora (Farmer)
112. Gloria = Gloria (Glory)
113. Graciela = Llena de gracia (Full of grace)
114. Guadalupe = Río de amor (River of love)
115. Helena = Antorcha (Torch)
116. Herminia = Mensajera celestial (Heavenly messenger)
117. Inés = Casta, pura (Chaste, pure)
118. Inmaculada = Inmaculada (Immaculate)
119. Irene = Paz (Peace)
120. Isabel = Dios es mi juramento (God is my oath)
121. Ivonne = Arco (Bow)
122. Jacinta = Hermosa (Beautiful)
123. Jazmín = Flor blanca (White flower)
124. Jennifer = La que produce frutos fértiles (Fertile fruit)
125. Jessica = Riqueza (Wealth)
126. Jimena = Oyente (Listener)
127. Joaquina = Dios construirá (God will establish)
128. Josefina = Añadida por Dios (Added by God)
129. Julia = Juvenil (Youthful)
130. Julieta = Juvenil (Youthful)
131. Karina = Pura (Pure)
132. Laura = Laurel (Laurel)
133. Leticia = Alegría (Joy)
134. Lidia = Trabajadora (Hardworking)
135. Liliana = Lirio (Lily)
136. Lorena = Laurel (Laurel)
137. Lucía = Luminosa (Luminous)
138. Lucrecia = Ganancia (Profit)
139. Magdalena = Torre (Tower)
140. Manuela = Dios está con nosotros (God is with us)
141. Marcela = Pequeña guerrera (Little warrior)
142. Margarita = Perla (Pearl)
143. María = Amada por Dios (Loved by God)
144. Mariana = Variante de María (Variant of Maria)
145. Marta = Señora (Lady)
Cute Biblical Girl Names In Spanish With Meanings
146. Matilde = Poderosa en la batalla (Mighty in battle)
147. Micaela = Quién como Dios (Who is like God)
148. Milagros = Milagros (Miracles)
149. Miriam = Rebelde (Rebellious)
150. Mónica = Solitaria (Solitary)
151. Nadia = Esperanza (Hope)
152. Natalia = Nacimiento (Birth)
153. Nélida = Mensajera del Sol (Messenger of the Sun)
154. Noelia = Navidad (Christmas)
155. Nuria = Luminosa (Luminous)
156. Olivia = Oliva (Olive)
157. Ona = Gracia (Grace)
158. Oriana = Amanecer (Dawn)
159. Paloma = Paloma (Dove)
160. Patricia = Noble, de alta nobleza (Noble, of high nobility)
161. Paula = Pequeña (Little)
162. Paz = Paz (Peace)
163. Perla = Perla (Pearl)
164. Petra = Roca (Rock)
165. Pilar = Columna (Column)
166. Priscila = Antigua (Ancient)
167. Raquel = Cordero (Ewe)
168. Rebeca = Atadura (To tie)
169. Regina = Reina (Queen)
170. Remedios = Remedios (Remedies)
171. Renata = Renacida (Reborn)
172. Rocio = Rocío (Dew)
173. Rosa = Rosa (Rose)
174. Rosalía = Rosa (Rose)
175. Rosario = Corona de rosas (Crown of roses)
176. Ruth = Compasiva, amiga (Compassionate, friend)
177. Salma = Paz y seguridad (Peace and safety)
178. Samara = Guardiana (Guardian)
179. Sandra = Protectora de la humanidad (Protector of humanity)
180. Sara = Princesa (Princess)
Cute Biblical Girl Names In Spanish With Meanings
181. Silvia = Del bosque (Of the forest)
182. Sofía = Sabiduría (Wisdom)
183. Susana = Lirio (Lily)
184. Tamara = Palmera (Palm tree)
185. Teresa = Cosecha (Harvest)
186. Trinidad = Trinidad (Trinity)
187. Valentina = Fuerte, valiente (Strong, brave)
188. Valeria = Valiente (Valiant)
189. Vanessa = Mariposa (Butterfly)
190. Verónica = Imagen verdadera (True image)
191. Victoria = Victoria (Victory)
192. Violeta = Violeta (Violet)
193. Virginia = Virgen (Virgin)
194. Ximena = Oyente (Listener)
195. Yolanda = Violeta (Violet)
196. Zaira = Princesa (Princess)
197. Zita = La que busca (The seeker)
198. Zoe = Vida (Life)
199. Zoraida = Brillante, resplandeciente (Bright, shining)
200. Zuria = Blanca como la luz (White as light)
We’ve carefully selected cute biblical girl names in Spanish with meanings. Please pick the best biblical Spanish name for your girl from our list.
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