
Unique 4 Letter Boy Names That Start With W With Meanings

Welcome to our blog post on unique 4 letter boy names that start with w with meanings! Here is a list of 80+ famous 4 letter boy names that start with w and their meanings.

Unique 4 Letter Boy Names That Start With W With Meanings

Unique 4 Letter Boy Names That Start With W With Meanings

Here is a list of some top 4 letter boy names that start with w, along with their meanings :

1. Wynn = Fair, blessed

2. Wolf = Wolf

3. Walt = Powerful warrior

4. Wren = Small bird

5. Wyat = Brave in war

6. Wynn = Joy

7. Wale = Leader

8. Winn = Friend, blessed

9. Witt = Wise

10. Wess = Western meadow

11. Walt = Ruler of the army

12. West = Western stream

13. Wilk = Resolute protector

14. Wess = Western meadow

15. Walt = Powerful warrior

16. Walt = Ruler of the army

17. Wade = To go

18. Walt = Ruler of the army

19. Ward = Guardian

20. Will = Resolute protector

21. Whit = White

22. Wynn = Joy

23. West = Western stream

24. Wilk = Resolute protector

25. Wynn = Fair, blessed

26. Walt = Ruler of the army

27. Will = Resolute protector

28. Wade = To go

29. Wynn = Fair, blessed

30. Wade = To go

31. Wolf = Wolf

32. Whit = White

33. Wynn = Joy

34. West = Western stream

35. Will = Resolute protector

36. Wynn = Fair, blessed

37. Walt = Ruler of the army

38. Wade = To go

39. Wolf = Wolf

40. Wess = Western meadow

Uncommon Boy Names Beginning With W And Their Meanings

Here is the Full list of trendy boy names that start with w and Their Meanings :

1. Wade = River crossing

2. Wade = To go, to ford

3. Wain = Cart maker

4. Wakefield = Damp field

5. Walby = House near the wall, Fortified town

6. Walcott = Cottage near the wall

7. Wald = Ruler

8. Waldemar = Famous ruler

9. Walden = Valley of the Welsh

10. Waldo = Powerful ruler

11. Waldon = Valley of the Welsh

12. Waldron = Powerful ruler

13. Wales = Foreigners

14. Walford = From the Welshman’s ford

15. Walker = One who walks

16. Wallace = Foreigner

17. Waller = Mason, wall builder

18. Wally = Short for Wallace

19. Walt = Ruler of the army, Short for Walter

20. Walter = Ruler of the army

21. Walton = Walled town

22. Walworth = Welshman’s farm

23. Walwyn = Welsh friend

24. Ward = Guardian

25. Wardell = Guardian’s hill

26. Waring = Guard, watchman

27. Warleigh = Meadow near the weir

28. Warley = Meadow near the weir

29. Warner = Army guard

30. Warran = Watchman

31. Warren = Park keeper, Enclosure, Watchman

32. Warrick = Strong leader who defends

33. Warrin = Watchman

34. Warrington = Town by the weir

35. Warton = Market town

36. Warwick = Strong leader who defends

37. Washburn = Stream that floods

38. Washington = Town of the intelligent

39. Waterman = Boatman

40. Watson = Son of Walter

41. Waverly = Quaking aspen

42. Way = Path, road

43. Waylan = Land by the road

44. Wayland = Land beside the road

45. Waylon = Land by the road

46. Wayman = Road man

47. Wayne = Wagon maker

48. Webb = Weaver

49. Webber = Weaver

50. Webley = Weaver’s meadow

51. Webster = Weaver

52. Weldon = Hill near a spring

53. Wellington = From the wealthy estate

54. Wells = Lives by the spring

55. Welton = From the spring farm

56. Wendall = Wanderer

57. Wendell = Wanderer

58. Wentworth = Pale man’s estate

59. Werner = Army guard

60. Wes = Short for Wesley, Western meadow

61. Wesley = Western meadow

62. Weslin = From the western meadow

63. Wesly = Variation of Wesley

64. Weslyn = Variation of Wesley

65. Wess = Short for Wesley

66. Wessly = From the western meadow

67. West = From the west

68. Westbrook = From the western brook

69. Westcott = From the western cottage

70. Westin = From the west town

71. Westley = From the western meadow

72. Westly = From the western meadow

73. Westlyn = From the western meadow

74. Weston = From the western town

75. Westwood = Western wood

76. Wetherby = From the wether-sheep farm

77. Wharton = From the estate on the river

78. Wheaton = Wheat town

79. Wheeler = Wheel maker

80. Whicher = White farm

81. Whistler = One who whistles

82. Whit = White

83. Whitaker = From the white field

84. Whitby = White farm

85. Whitcomb = From the white valley

86. White = Fair=skinned

87. Whitfield = White field

88. Whitford = White ford

89. Whitley = From the white meadow

90. Whitlock = Blonde

91. Whitman = White man

92. Whitmore = White moor

93. Whitney = From the white island

94. Whitt = From the white field

95. Whittaker = From the white field

96. Whittlesey = By the white willow

97. Whitton = From the white town

98. Whitwell = White well

99. Whytlaw = Foot of the hill

100. Wickham = Homestead by the bay

101. Wickliffe = Village on a cliff

102. Widow = Wide river

103. Wil = Short for William

104. Wilbert = Bright will

105. Wilbur = Wild boar

106. Wilburn = From the spring brook

107. Wilburt = Bright will

108. Wilco = Will helm

109. Wilde = Wild

110. Wilder = Untamed, wild

111. Wiley = Charming, Crafty, Resolute protection

112. Wilf = Short for Wilfred

113. Wilford = Willow ford

114. Wilfred = Desiring peace

115. Wilhelm = Will helmet, protection

116. Wilk = Resolute protector

117. Wilke = Resolute protector

118. Wilkes = Resolute protector

119. Will = Strong=willed warrior

120. Willard = Strong desire

121. Willem = Resolute protector

122. William = Resolute protector

123. Willie = Resolute protector

124. Willis = Resolute protector, Son of Will

125. Willoughby = Farm near the willows

126. Wills = Short for Willis

127. Willson = Son of Will

128. Willy = Strong protector

129. Wilmer = Resolute or famous

130. Wilmot = Will helmet

131. Wilmott = Will helmet

132. Wilson = Son of William

133. Wilton = From the farm by the spring

134. Win = Friend

135. Windsor = Riverbank with a winch

136. Winfred = Peaceful friend

137. Winn = Fair, white, blessed

138. Winnfield = From a friend’s field

139. Winslow = Friend’s hill, Hill of victory

140. Winsor = Riverbank with a winch

141. Winston = Joyful stone

142. Winter = Born in winter

143. Winthrop = Friend’s village

144. Winton = Friendly town

145. Winward = Wind guard

146. Wirt = Worthy

147. Wisdom = Knowledge, Wise

148. Wit = Intelligence, mind

149. Witt = Wise

150. Witton = From the wise town

151. Wolcott = Cottage near the woods

152. Wold = Woodland

153. Wolf = Resembling a wolf

154. Wolfe = Wolf

155. Wolfgang = Traveling wolf

156. Wolfie = Little wolf

157. Wolfram = Wolf raven

158. Wong = Yellow, prosperous

159. Wood = From the woods

160. Woodard = Forest protector

161. Woodburn = Stream near the wood

162. Woodley = From the woodland clearing

163. Woodrow = Row of houses by a wood

164. Woodruff = Woody ridge

165. Woods = From the forest

166. Woodson = Son of Wood

167. Woodward = Protector of the forest

168. Woolf = Resembling a wolf

169. Woolsey = Victorious wolf

170. Wooten = From the farm near the wood

171. Worcester = From the Roman town

172. Wray = Corner of land

173. Wright = Carpenter

174. Wrigley = Clearing by the river bend

175. Wulf = Wolf

176. Wyatt = Brave in war

177. Wycliff = From the white cliff

178. Wycliffe = From the white cliff

179. Wycombe = From the broad valley

180. Wyeth = From land by the willow tree

181. Wyland = Roadside land

182. Wylde = Wild

183. Wylder = Untamed

184. Wyler = From the wood

185. Wylie = Charming, well-watered meadow

186. Wylond = Roadside land

187. Wyman = Battle protector

188. Wymer = Famous in battle

189. Wyn = Fair, blessed

190. Wyndham = From the windy village

191. Wyngate = From the winding gate

192. Wynn = Fair, white, blessed

193. Wynne = Fair, white, blessed

194. Wynonna = First-born daughter

195. Wynston = Joyful stone

196. Wynter = Born in winter

197. Wynton = Friend’s settlement

198. Wyome = From Wyoming

199. Wyoming = From Wyoming

200. Wyre = From the river

201. Wystan = Battle stone

202. Wysten = Battle stone

203. Wythe = From the willow tree

204. Wytold = From the willow forest

We’ve carefully selected popular and unique 4 letter boy names that start with w with meanings. Please pick the best 4 letter boy names that start with w from our list for your baby.

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