Welcome to our blog post on unique Arabic Muslim girl names starting with B with meanings! Here is a list of 145+ famous Arabic Muslim girl names starting with b and their meanings.
Unique Arabic Muslim Girl Names Starting With B With Meanings
Here is a list of some top Arabic Muslim girl names starting with b, along with their meanings :
Baasima | Smiling |
Badia | Unprecedented, Admirable, Unique |
Badiyah | Desert |
Badra | Full Moon |
Bahar | Spring Season |
Bahati | My luck is good |
Baheej | Beautiful, Radiant |
Baheera | Dazzling, Brilliant |
Bahia | Nice |
Bahija | Joyful, Happy, Delightful |
Bahijah | Splendid, Magnificent |
Bahira | Dazzling, Brilliant |
Bahiyah | Beautiful, Radiant |
Bahiyyah | Beautiful, Radiant |
Baidaa | Variant of Baydah; White, Fair |
Baila | Dance |
Baira | Sea |
Bakura | Early riser |
Balia | Powerful |
Baligha | Eloquent |
Baligha | Perspicuous, Eloquent |
Balqis | Name of the Queen of Sheba |
Balsam | Balm, Balsam Tree |
Banaan | Fingertips |
Banafsha | A plant (Violet) |
Banan | Delicate, Finger Tips |
Bananah | Fingertips |
Bandar | Seaport, District Capital |
Bano | Princess |
Banou | Princess |
Baraa | Excelling |
Baraah | Innocence |
Baraim | Blossoms, Blooms |
Baraka | White one |
Barakah | Blessing |
Bareen | Superior |
Bareerah | Pious, Virtuous |
Barirah | Faithful and Devoted |
Barzah | She was a narrator of Hadith |
Baseema | Smiling |
Basheera | Bringer of Good Tidings |
Bashirah | Bringer of good tidings |
Basila | Brave |
Basilah | Brave, Fearless |
Basima | Smiling |
Basimah | Smiling |
Basira | Sagacious |
Basitah | Expanding, Extending |
Basmah | A Smile |
Basmalah | The act of saying Bismillah |
Bassam | Smiling |
Batil | Pure, Virginal |
Batin | Inner, Hidden |
Batina | Hidden, Inner |
Batinah | Hidden, Inner |
Batool | Ascetic Virgin |
Batrisiya | Intelligent, Smart |
Batrisyia | Intelligent |
Batul | Pure and Chaste |
Bayan | Clearness, Eloquent |
Bayanah | Expression, Explanation |
Bayati | Melodious |
Baydah | White, Fair |
Bayla | Beautiful |
Baylee | Bailiff |
Bazegha | Shining, Luminous |
Bazigha | Shining, Luminous |
Bazilah | Clever, Intelligent |
Bazilia | Brave, Courageous |
Bazriqa | High, Exalted |
Bebe | Alive |
Bedriyah | Full Moon |
Beena | Seeing, Clear Sighted |
Behnaz | Best coquetry |
Behrang | Bright Color, Radiant |
Beila | Beautiful |
Belqees | Queen of Sheba |
Benazir | Incomparable, Matchless |
Beria | Pious, Virtuous |
Beshara | Good News, Glad Tidings |
Bessma | A Smile |
Betrisya | Intelligent, Clever |
Betul | Chaste, Virgin |
Bhadra | Gentle |
Bhakti | Devotion, Prayer |
Bihar | Seas, Oceans |
Bilal | Moistening |
Bilhah | Modest, shy |
Bilqees | Queen of Sheba |
Bilqis | Queen of Sheba |
Bimala | Pure |
Bimali | Pure, Clean |
Bina | Wisdom |
Binish | Clever, Intelligent |
Binj | Moor, Wetland |
Birrah | Good Deed |
Bisharah | Good News |
Bishrah | Cheerfulness |
Bisma | Courageous, Smile |
Bita | Unique |
Bitta | Beautiful |
Bizma | Fighter, Warrior |
Blanka | White, Shining |
Bluma | Flower |
Bobeena | Love |
Bobo | Living |
Bodilysia | Light |
Bodour | Full moons |
Bohayra | Lake, Sea |
Bolboliya | Nightingale |
Bonita | Pretty, Beautiful |
Borghildr | Protection in battle |
Boushra | Good Omen |
Boyana | Springtime Bloomer |
Breena | Fairy Palace |
Bria | Endowed with eloquence |
Bristi | Rain |
Britta | Strong, Powerful |
Briza | Breath |
Budur | Full moons |
Buhaysah | Walking with pride |
Buhjah | Joy, Delight |
Buhjah | Joy, Happiness |
Buhthah | Happy, Joyful |
Bulaq | Spring, Fountain |
Bulbul | Nightingale |
Bulbuli | Nightingale |
Bunanah | Yasmin |
Buniah | Delicate, Tender |
Burdah | Cloak |
Burum | Bud, Bloom |
Busayrah | Pleasant, Polite |
Bushra | Good News, Glad Tidings |
Bushrah | Glad Tidings, Happy News |
Busra | Good News |
Bustan | Garden, Orchard |
Buthaynah | Of beautiful and tender body |
Butheena | Of beautiful and tender body |
Butul | Pure, Chaste |
Buyan | Strong, Potent |
Bylka | Good News |
Byna | Discerning |
Bynah | Insight, Understanding |
Byula | Star |
Bzar | Spice |
Top B Letter Girl Names Like Arabic Muslim Girl Names And Their Meanings
Here is the list of trendy girl names, like Arabic Muslim Girl Names that start with b and Their Meanings :
1. Baani = Goddess Saraswati
2. Babita = Little girl; Stranger
3. Badai = Wonder, marvel
4. Badi’a = Unprecedented, admirable, unique
5. Badia = Unprecedented, amazing
6. Badilah = Replacement
7. Badra = Full moon
8. Badriya = Resembling the full moon
9. Baha = Value, worth
10. Bahaar = Spring, prime (of life), bloom
11. Bahadur = Brave, courageous
12. Bahar = Spring season
13. Baheej = Beautiful, shining
14. Baheera = Dazzling, brilliant
15. Bahija = Happy, joyful
16. Bahijah = Joyful, delightful
17. Bahira = Dazzling, brilliant
18. Bahiyya = Beautiful, radiant
19. Bahiyyah = Beautiful, radiant
20. Baida = White, fair
21. Bailey = Steward or public official
22. Bainan = Evident, clear
23. Baiyina = Evident, clear
24. Bajila = Honoured, noble
25. Bakhtawar = Fortunate, lucky
26. Bakura = Precocious, early riser
27. Bala = Young girl
28. Balaam = Not of the people
29. Balan = Young warrior
30. Balbina = Strong and mighty
31. Baleegha = Eloquent
32. Balgisa= Gift of God
33. Baligha = Eloquent
34. Balisha = Blossom
35. Balqis = Name of the Queen of Sheba
36. Balsam = Balm, healing
37. Bambina = Little girl
38. Bana = The pinnacle
39. Banafsha = Name of a flower (Violet)
40. Banan = Delicate, fingertips
41. Bananah = Finger tips
42. Bansari = Flute
43. Banujah = The daughter of al Mahdi
44. Baqirah = Learned, erudite
45. Baraat = Innocence, guiltlessness
46. Baraka = White one
47. Barakah = Blessing
48. Baran = Rain
49. Barbara = Foreign, strange
50. Bardolf = Bright wolf
51. Bareen = Superior
52. Bareerah = Pious, virtuous
53. Bariah = Excelling
54. Barika = Bloom, be successful
55. Barirah = Faithful and devoted
56. Barkevian= Son of the king
57. Barlin = Queen
58. Barnaby = Son of comfort
59. Barrett = Strong as a bear
60. Barzah = She was a narrator of hadith
61. Basaaria = Beautiful, providing satisfaction
62. Basaira = Insightful
63. Baselah = Brave, fearless
64. Basha’ir = Good omens
65. Basheera = Bringer of good tidings
66. Basil = Royal, kingly
67. Basila = Brave, fearless
68. Basilah = Brave, fearless
69. Basima = Smiling
70. Basimah = Smiling
71. Basma = A smile
72. Basmat = Smile
73. Batari = Star, constellation
74. Batilda = Woman warrior
75. Batina = Hidden, unseen
76. Batinah = Hidden, inner
77. Batool = Ascetic virgin
78. Batool = Pure, chaste
79. Batrisyia = Intelligent
80. Batul = Virgin, pure and chaste
81. Batul, Batool = Pure, chaste
82. Baubine = Little stranger
83. Bayan = Clear in meaning
84. Baydah = White, fair
85. Bazigh = Shining, illuminating
86. Bazigha = Shining, luminous
87. Bazla = Reward, generous
88. Beatha = Life
89. Beatrix = Voyager through life, blessed one
90. Beckett = Beehive or bee cottage
91. Bedriya = Of the full moon
92. Beena = Seeing, clear sighted
93. Begonia = Flower name
94. Behiye = Beautiful
95. Behnaz = Best coquetry
96. Beida = White, bright
97. Bela = White; Within
98. Belicia = Dedicated to God
99. Belinda = Beautiful serpent or snake
100. Beliyyah = Beautiful
101. Belkis = Queen of Sheba
102. Bella = Beautiful, lovely
103. Bellis = Daisy
104. Bellissima= Beautiful, lovely
105. Belqis = Name of the Queen of Sheba
106. Belva = Beautiful view
107. Bemnet = With faith
108. Benazir = Unparalleled
109. Benazira = Unique, unparalleled
110. Benicia = Blessed one
111. Benicia = Spanish form of the name Venice
112. Benvinda = Welcome
113. Berfin = Snowflake
114. Beriha = Beautiful, bright
115. Berin = Light, radiant
116. Berina = Light, radiance
117. Berlyn = Borderline
118. Bernadette = Brave as a bear
119. Bernia = One who brings victory
120. Bernice = Bringer of victory
121. Berta = Bright and shining
122. Beryl = Precious gemstone
123. Besime = Smile
124. Betania = House of figs
125. Bethania = House of figs
126. Bethany = House of figs or dates
127. Bethel = House of God
128. Betigül = Multiplied rose
129. Betul = Chaste, virgin
130. Beulah = Married woman.
131. Beyzanur = Noble light
132. Bhadraa = Gentle
133. Bhagya = Lucky, fortunate
134. Bhanumathi = Beautiful lady
135. Bhavani = Goddess Parvati
136. Bhavya = Grand, splendid
137. Bian = Secret, mysterious
138. Bianca = White, fair
139. Bidar = Awake, enlightened
140. Bidayet = Beginning
141. Bihan = Morning
142. Bihter = Better
143. Bijou = Jewel or precious stone
144. Bilge = Wise
145. Bilgehan = Wise ruler
146. Billie = Resolute protection
147. Bilqis = Queen of Sheba
148. Bilquees = Queen of Sheba
149. Bilquis = Queen of Sheba
150. Bina = Understanding, knowledge
151. Bindu = Drop, point
152. Bineeta = Humble, modest
153. Binesh = Clever
154. Binish = Intelligent, insightful
155. Binnaz = Pretty, cute
156. Binnur = Thousand lights
157. Bircan = Thousand lives
158. Birce = Light, to shine
159. Birgen = Perhaps, maybe
160. Biricik = Unique, one and only
161. Birrah = Good deed
162. Birsu = First water
163. Birten = Multiplied by thousand
164. Bisan = Morning breeze
165. Bisar = Youth
166. Bisera = Pearl
167. Bisma = Smile, gracious
168. Bitanem = My sweetheart
169. Biyanka = White
170. Bizden = From us
171. Blaga = Gentle
172. Blakelee = From the dark meadow
173. Blanche = White, fair
174. Blanchefleur = White flower
175. Blazenka = Blessed
176. Blerta = Green
177. Blessie = Blessed one
178. Blinera = Beauty, to bloom
179. Blinor = Eternal youth
180. Bliss = Perfect happiness or joy
181. Blodwedd= Flower face
182. Blodwen = White flower
183. Bloema = Flower
184. Blossom = Flowering bud
185. Bluma = Blossom
186. Boaz = Swift, hawk like
187. Boglarka = Buttercup flower
188. Bojana = Battle
189. Bola = Born of wealth
190. Bonita = Pretty, beautiful
191. Bonnie = Beautiful, cheerful
192. Bonya = God’s child
193. Bora = Purple storm
194. Borak = Lightning
195. Bosena = Awakening
196. Botum = Princess
197. Boux = The owl
198. Boxen = Divine
199. Bracha = Blessing
200. Brahmari = Bee like in nature
201. Brana = Protector
202. Brandi = Warm and comforting
203. Brandy = Warm and comforting
204. Branka = Protection, Blessing
205. Breanna = Strong, virtuous
206. Brearta = Virtue, merit
207. Brenna = Raven or dark haired
208. Breza = Birch tree
209. Bridgette = Strong, powerful
210. Brielle = God is my strength
211. Brienne = Name from Game of Thrones
212. Brienne = Strong and virtuous
213. Brigi = Exalted, lofty
214. Brigita = Strong
215. Brigitte = Strength or exalted one
216. Briseida = Daughter of King Calchas
217. Briseis = Captive
218. Brita = Strong
219. Brites = The bright one
220. Britney = From Britain or blessed one
221. Britta = Strength or exalted one
222. Bron = Fair, white
223. Bronagh = Sorrow or sadness
224. Bronwen = Blessed breast or fair bosomed
225. Brooke = Small stream or brook
226. Brookes = The brook or stream
227. Brooklyn = Stream near a hill
228. Bruna = Brown haired
229. Brunhilda = Battle armour
230. Brunilda = Armor in battle
231. Brylee = Strong and beautiful
232. Brynja = Armour, protection
233. Brynn = Hill or mound
234. Buhayyah = The name of a freed female slave
235. Buhthah = Happy, delighted
236. Bujar = Happy, joyful
237. Bukahara = Lucky
238. Buket = Bouquet
239. Bulan = Moon
240. Bulbul = Nightingale
241. Bulut = Cloud
242. Buqayrah = A narrator of hadith
243. Burak = Lightning
244. Burcu = Scent, fragrance
245. Burde = Rich silk cloth
246. Busayrah = She was a narrator of hadith
247. Busenur = Light, radiance
248. Bushara = Good omen, good news
249. Bushra = Good news, glad tidings
250. Bushrah = Good omen
251. Busra = Good news, glad tidings
252. Buthainah, Buthaynah = Of a beautiful body
253. Buthayna = Of beautiful and tender body
254. Buyan = Virtue, merit
255. Büyüka = Elder
256. Bysshe = Water source
We’ve carefully selected popular and unique Arabic Muslim girl names starting with b with meanings. Please pick the best Arabic Islamic girl names from our list for your baby.
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