Trending Greek Girl Names That Start With J With Meanings

Welcome to our blog post on Trending Greek girl names that start with j with meanings! Here is a list of 134 Greek girl names that start with j and have meanings.

Trending Greek Girl Names That Start With J With Meanings

Trending Greek Girl Names That Start With J With Meanings

Here is a list of some top Greek girl names that start with j, along with their meanings:

1. Jachimata = Established by God

2. Jadranka = Sea creature

3. Jadwiga = Battle woman

4. Jaida = Jade stone

5. Jale = Sea

6. Jalea = Sea

7. Jaleen = God is gracious

8. Jalene = Bright, shining light

9. Jaliana = God is gracious

10. Jalissa = Cheerful

11. Jalyn = Calm waters

12. Jamila = Beautiful

13. Janae = God is gracious

14. Janara = Fairy queen

15. Jancis = God is gracious

16. Janeta = God is gracious

17. Janice = God is gracious

18. Janicka = God is gracious

19. Janiece = God is gracious

20. Janika = God is gracious

21. Janine = God is gracious

22. Janis = God is gracious

23. Janita = God is gracious

24. Janitza = God is gracious

25. Janka = God is gracious

26. Jannika = God is gracious

27. Janora = God is gracious

28. Jaqueline = Supplanter

29. Jara = Sweet as honey

30. Jarina = Healing

31. Jasenia = Flower

32. Jaslyn = Joyful

33. Jasmine = Jasmine flower

34. Jasmyn = Jasmine flower

35. Jason = Healer

36. Javina = Violet flower

37. Jaya = Victory

38. Jayde = Precious stone

39. Jaylene = Bluebird

40. Jayna = God is gracious

41. Jazlyn = Joyful

42. Jelena = Bright, shining light

43. Jelena = Shining light

44. Jelissa = Cheerful

45. Jelka = Noble

46. Jemima = Dove

47. Jenara = White wave

48. Jenessa = Pure, chaste

49. Jeneva = Juniper tree

50. Jenica = God is gracious

51. Jenilee = Fair phantom

52. Jenina = God is gracious

53. Jenissa = Pure, chaste

54. Jenista = Garden of paradise

55. Jeniva = Juniper tree

56. Jennabel = God is gracious

57. Jennessa = Pure, chaste

58. Jennis = Fair phantom

59. Jenova = Heaven

60. Jensine = God is gracious

61. Jericha = Sacred name

62. Jerika = Sacred name

63. Jerilyn = Modern blend of Jer and Marilyn

64. Jerina = Sacred name

65. Jerissa = Gift

66. Jerneja = Sacred name

67. Jerona = Sacred name

68. Jerusha = Possession

69. Jesenia = Flower

70. Jesika = Wealthy

71. Jessa = God beholds

72. Jessalyn = Modern blend of Jess and Lynn

73. Jessenia = Flower

74. Jezabel = Chaste, innocent

75. Jezreel = God sows

76. Jilleen = Youthful

77. Jocasta = Shining moon

78. Joella = Jehovah is God

79. Johanna = God is gracious

80. Jolan = Violet flower

81. Jolanda = Violet

82. Jolene = God will increase

83. Joleta = Violet flower

84. Jolina = Violet flower

85. Jolinda = Violet flower

86. Jolisa = Joyful

87. Jonelle = God is gracious

88. Jonina = Dove

89. Jonita = God is gracious

90. Jonna = God is gracious

91. Jorinda = Adored

92. Jorja = Farmer

93. Josalyn = Modern blend of Jo and Marilyn

94. Josanna = God is gracious

95. Joselina = God will increase

96. Joselyn = Joyous

97. Josette = God will increase

98. Josianne = God is gracious

99. Josina = God will increase

100. Joska = God will increase

101. Joslyn = Joyous

102. Josslyn = Modern blend of Jo and Marilyn

103. Jovana = God is gracious

104. Jovanka = God is gracious

105. Joya = Joyful

106. Joyelle = Joyful

107. Joylyn = Joyful

108. Juana = God is gracious

109. Juanita = God is gracious

110. Judea = Praise

111. Judita = Praised

112. Judite = Praised

113. Juditha = Praised

114. Julia = Youthful

115. Juliana = Youthful

116. Julieta = Youthful

117. Julietta = Youthful

118. Julina = Jove’s child

119. Julinka = Youthful

120. Juliya = Youthful

121. Jumana = Silver pearl

122. Junia = Youthful

123. Jurate = Sea

124. Justina = Fair, righteous

125. Jutta = Praise

126. Jyothi = Light

127. Jyoti = Light

128. Jyotika = Light

129. Jyotirmoyee = Lustrous

130. Jyotishmati = Luminous

131. Jyotsana = Radiant like the flame

132. Jyotshna = Moonlight

133. Jyotsna = Moonlight

134. Jyotsna = Radiant like the flame

We’ve carefully selected popular Greek girl names that start with j and have meanings. Please pick the best Greek girl names that start with j for your baby from our list.

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