Welcome to our blog post on Greek girl names that start with c with meanings! Here is a list of 87 Greek girl names that start with c and have meanings.
Greek Girl Names That Start With C With Meanings
Here is a list of some Greek girl names that start with c, along with their meanings:
1. Caelia = Heavenly
2. Calandra = Lark
3. Calantha = Beautiful flower
4. Caliana = Beautiful like the moon
5. Calida = Warm, loving
6. Calipso = Concealer
7. Calista = Most beautiful
8. Calla = Beautiful
9. Callianassa = Beautiful queen
10. Callidora = Gift of beauty
11. Calligenia = Beautiful birth
12. Calliope = Beautiful voice
13. Callippe = Beautiful horse
14. Callirrhoe = Beautiful flow
15. Callista = Most beautiful
16. Calluna = Beautiful girl
17. Calypso = Concealer, she who hides
18. Calyptra = Hidden
19. Calytrix = Beautiful curls
20. Calyx = Very beautiful
21. Carina = Beloved
22. Carmela = Garden
23. Carys = Love
24. Caryssa = Love
25. Cassandra = She who entangles men
26. Cecilia = Blind, sixth
27. Celaeno = Dark, black
28. Celandia = Moon
29. Celandine = Yellow flower
30. Celia = Heavenly
31. Cepheus = Constellation in the northern sky
32. Cephira = Crown
33. Ceres = Goddess of agriculture
34. Cerys = Love
35. Chania = Grace
36. Chara = Joy
37. Charalambia = Shine, be joyful
38. Charicleia = Graceful glory
39. Charis = Grace
40. Charissa = Grace
41. Charissa = Grace, kindness
42. Chione = Daughter of Boreas
43. Chloe = Green shoot, blooming
44. Chlorinda = Blooming
45. Chloris = Green, blooming
46. Chlorissa = Green
47. Christa = Follower of Christ
48. Chrysantha = Golden flower
49. Chryseis = Golden
50. Chrysothemis = Golden justice
51. Circe = Bird
52. Clea = Pride, fame
53. Cleis = Glory
54. Cleite = Renowned, illustrious
55. Cleo = Pride, fame, glory
56. Cleodora = Gift of glory
57. Cleomene = Glorious strength
58. Cleone = Glorious flower
59. Cleopatra = Glory of her father
60. Cleophila = Glorious love
61. Cleta = Glorious
62. Clio = Glory, fame
63. Clio = Proclaimer
64. Clymene = Famous, renowned
65. Clytie = Splendid one
66. Cora = Maiden
67. Coralia = Maiden
68. Corinna = Maiden
69. Cosima = Order, beauty
70. Cressa = Gold
71. Cressida = Gold
72. Creusa = Princess
73. Crysta = Follower of Christ
74. Cyanea = Blue=green
75. Cybela = Mother of gods
76. Cydara = Melodious
77. Cydippe = Daughter of Aegis
78. Cyllene = Mountain in Arcadia
79. Cyma = Flourish, sprout
80. Cymona = Wave
81. Cynara = Thistle
82. Cynitha = Moon goddess
83. Cynthea = Moon
84. Cypris = From Cyprus
85. Cyra = Throne
86. Cyrene = Siren
87. Cytherea = Venus, goddess of love
We’ve carefully selected Greek girl names that start with c with meanings. Please pick the best Greek girl names that start with c for your baby from our list.
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