4 Letter Biblical Girl Names With Meanings

Welcome to our blog post on 4 letter biblical girl names with meanings! Are you looking for four letter biblical girl names?

Here is a list of 156 4 letter biblical girl names that have meanings.

4 Letter Biblical Girl Names With Meanings

So let’s detail 4 letter biblical girl names with meanings.

4 Letter Biblical Girl Names With Meanings

Here is a list of some 4 letter biblical girl names along with their meanings:

1. Abba = Father

2. Abia = God is my father

3. Abie = Father of many

4. Abra = Mother of many

5. Adah = Ornament

6. Adar = Noble

7. Adel = Noble

8. Agar = Flight

9. Ahav = To breathe

10. Aida = Reward

11. Aila = Oak tree

12. Aina = Forever

13. Aira = Of the wind

14. Alia = Exalted

15. Alma = Maiden

16. Amal = Hope

17. Amma = Servant

18. Anna = Grace

19. Aria = Melody

20. Asya = Grace

21. Ayah = Sign

22. Azar = Helper

23. Azza = Strong

24. Bela = To swell

25. Bena = Wise

26. Beth = House

27. Cain = Spear

28. Cara = Beloved

29. Cari = Pure

30. Cela = Swift

31. Cera = Cherry

32. Dara = Pearl of wisdom

33. Deah = Knowledge

34. Deli = Delicate

35. Dena = Valley

36. Dian = Divine

37. Dora = Gift

38. Eden = Delight

39. Eila = Oak tree

40. Eira = Snow

41. Elah = Oak tree

42. Elba = White

43. Elsa = Pledged to God

44. Emah = Mother

45. Enya = Kernel

46. Eran = Watchful

47. Eris = Strife

48. Esah = Endurance

49. Ezra = Help

50. Faya = Fire

51. Fina = God’s vine

52. Gail = Father’s joy

53. Gena = Noble

54. Gila = Eternal joy

55. Hada = Graceful

56. Hala = Sweetness

57. Hana = Grace

58. Hera = Queen of gods

59. Inah = Knowledge

60. Inna = Strong water

61. Inoa = Namesake

62. Jael = Mountain goat

63. Jana = God is gracious

64. Jara = God answers

65. Jean = God is gracious

66. Jeda = Knowledge

67. Jora = Autumn rain

68. Kala = Art

69. Kaya = Pure

70. Keil = Crown

71. Kera = Pure

72. Kira = Dark lady

73. Kyla = Crown of laurel

74. Lara = Protection

75. Leah = Weary

76. Lena = Light

77. Leta = Gladly

78. Lira = Melody

79. Liya = I am with God

80. Lona = Lion

81. Lora = Laurel

82. Lyla = Night

83. Maia = Great

84. Mara = Bitter

85. Mica = Who is like God

86. Mira = Bitter

87. Myra = Bitter

88. Nada = Generous

89. Nala = Stem

90. Nara = Happy

91. Neah = Motion

92. Neta = Plant

93. Niah = Purpose

94. Nila = Dark blue

95. Nira = Plowed field

96. Nita = Bear

97. Nyla = Winner

98. Olla = Holy

99. Onah = Strength

100. Orna = Cedar tree

101. Peta = Golden eagle

102. Qara = To call

103. Rama = Pleasing

104. Raya = Friend

105. Reba = Fourth born

106. Rhea = Earth

107. Rida = Favor

108. Rina = Song; joyous melody

109. Rita = Pearl

110. Rosa = Rose

111. Saba = Captivating

112. Sada = Pure one

113. Sala = Peaceful

114. Sara = Princess

115. Sari = Princess

116. Sela = Rock

117. Sera = Princess

118. Shai = Gift

119. Shea = Fairy place

120. Sina = Sinai

121. Tala = Dew

122. Tara = Star

123. Taya = Valley field

124. Tena = Strong

125. Thia = Goddess

126. Thir = Seeker

127. Tina = River

128. Tira = Sharp

129. Tova = Good

130. Ulla = Will

131. Ursa = Bear

132. Vada = Famous ruler

133. Vara = Stranger

134. Veda = Knowledge

135. Vela = Time

136. Vera = Faith

137. Vida = Life

138. Wava = Wind

139. Wren = Small bird

140. Xara = Princess

141. Yana = God is gracious

142. Yara = Water lady

143. Yona = Dove

144. Yuna = Favored by God

145. Zara = Princess

146. Zela = Shade

147. Zena = Hospitable

148. Zeta = Olive

149. Zila = Shadow

150. Zina = Guest

151. Zira = Princess

152. Zita = Seeker

153. Ziva = Radiance

154. Zora = Dawn

155. Zyla = Shade

156. Zyna = Hospitable

We’ve carefully selected 4 letter biblical girl names with meanings. Please pick the best biblical name for your cute girl from our list.

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