Rare Biblical Girl Names With Meanings । Top 52 Rare Name

Welcome to our blog post on rare biblical girl names with meanings! Are you looking for rare biblical girl names?

Here is a list of 52 rare biblical girl names that have meanings.

Rare Biblical Girl Names With Meanings

So, let’s detail rare biblical girl names with meanings.

Rare Biblical Girl Names With Meanings

Here are 50+ rare biblical girl names, along with their meanings:

1. Abiah – Means = God is my father

2. Abital – Means = Father of dew

3. Adalia – Means = God is my refuge

4. Atarah – Means = Crown

5. Azaliah – Means = God has reserved

6. Azubah – Means = Forsaken

7. Bathsheba – Means = Daughter of the oath

8. Calah – Means = Completion

9. Carmel – Means = Vineyard of God

10. Chavah – Means = Life

11. Damaris – Means = Gentleness

12. Delilah – Means = Delicate, weak

13. Dinah – Means = Judged

14. Eglah – Means = Heifer

15. Elishama – Means = God has heard

16. Elisheba – Means = God is my oath

17. Hadassah – Means = Myrtle tree

18. Havilah – Means = Stretch of sand

19. Hephzibah – Means = My delight is in her

20. Jael – Means = Mountain goat

21. Jemimah – Means = Dove

22. Jerusha – Means = Possessed by inheritance

23. Keren- Means = Happuch – Means = Horn of antimony

24. Keturah – Means = Incense

25. Kezia – Means = Cassia (a spice)

26. Leorah – Means = I have light

27. Lilith – Means = Night monster

28. Liora – Means = I have a light

29. Mahalath – Means = Harps

30. Mehetabel – Means = God makes happy

31. Milcah – Means = Queen

32. Naarah – Means = Girl

33. Noah – Means = Rest, comfort

34. Nogah – Means = Brightness

35. Ophrah – Means = Fawn

36. Orpah – Means = Gazelle

37. Palti – Means = Deliverance

38. Penuel – Means = Face of God

39. Puah – Means = Splendid

40. Quenby – Means = Womanly

41. Quilla – Means = In the presence of God

42. Rhoda – Means = Rose

43. Rinnah – Means = Joyful song

44. Seraphina – Means = Burning one

45. Shulamith – Means = Peaceful

46. Tamar – Means = Palm tree

47. Tirzah – Means = Delight

48. Uzziel – Means = God is my strength

49. Vashti – Means = Beautiful

50. Zemira – Means = Song, melody

51. Zilpah – Means = Drooping

52. Zipporah – Means = Bird

We’ve carefully selected rare biblical girl names with meanings. Please pick the best rare name for your cute baby girl from our list.

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