Welcome to our blog post on unique Arabic Muslim girl names starting with E with meanings! Here is a list of 145+ famous Arabic Muslim girl names starting with e and their meanings.
Unique Arabic Muslim Girl Names Starting With E With Meanings
Here is a list of some top Arabic Muslim girl names starting with e, along with their meanings :
Ebaa | A memorable impression |
Ebadah | Worship |
Ebony | Deep, rich black wood |
Ece | Queen |
Edha | Sacred |
Edina | Wealthy, happy |
Efia | Born on Friday |
Eftikhar | Pride, glory |
Egle | Beauty, splendor |
Ehab | Gift |
Ehsaan | Favor, good |
Eijaz | Miracle |
Eilaf | Pledge, oath |
Eileen | Palm tree, or light |
Eiliada | God knows |
Eilin | Beautiful, bright |
Eiliyah | In Hebrew, it means "God is my Lord." |
Eima | To make a subtle gesture |
Eimaan | Faith and belief |
Eiman | Faith, Religion |
Eira | Respectful |
Eiraas | Respected |
Eirah | Noblewoman |
Eithar | Altruism, selflessness |
Eiza | Noble |
Ekra | Read |
Ela | Oak tree, or God's oath |
Elaaf | Safety |
Elanur | Shining light |
Elayna | Bright, shining light |
Eleen | Most beautiful woman |
Elektra | Shining, bright |
Elham | Inspiration |
Elida | Winged |
Elif | Slim, tall |
Elife | Alive |
Elika | Pelican |
Elina | Woman with intelligence and beauty |
Elira | To be free |
Eliza | Unique, precious, Joyful |
Eljana | Paradise |
Elkha | Intelligently |
Ella | Light, beautiful fairy |
Ellin | Light |
Elmas | Diamond |
Elmedina | Sacred city |
Elmira | Princess |
Elna | Torch |
Elnaz | Most beloved |
Elois | Famous in war |
Elva | Leader |
Elvira | Truth |
Elyana | Light |
Elyssa | From the blessed isles |
Ema | Serious |
Eman | Belief, faith |
Eman | Faith, Belief |
Embarek | Blessed |
Emen | Safe, secure |
Emera | Princes |
Emin | Trustworthy |
Emina | Trustworthy, faithful |
Emine | Reliable, trustworthy |
Emira | Princess, leader |
Emmar | Desiring |
Enaam | Blessing, Loan |
Enam | Gift |
Enar | Radiant |
Enas | Sociable, friendly |
Enaya | Care, attention |
Ender | Extremely rare |
Endzela | Snowdrop |
Enfys | Rainbow |
Engin | Vast, wide |
Enisa | Good friend |
Enise | Friendly, amiable |
Ensar | Helper, supporter |
Entisar | Triumph |
Enya | Fire |
Era | Wind |
Erah | Companion, friend |
Eram | Garden in Heaven |
Erife | Beautiful as the moon |
Erin | Peace |
Erina | Beautiful lady |
Ermak | Joy, delight |
Ermina | Friendly |
Erona | Our jewel |
Erum | Heaven |
Erva | Healthy, sound |
Erykah | Ever-ruler |
Esal | Whispering of Angels |
Esen | Breeze, Wind |
Eser | Achievement |
Eshaal | Paradise Flower |
Eshal | The name of a flower in Heaven |
Eshana | Desire, wish |
Eshiqa | Beloved |
Eshmaal | Bunch of red roses |
Esila | Beautiful |
Esin | Inspiration |
Esinam | God's gift |
Eslem | Safe, secure |
Esli | My God is a vow |
Esma | High status, exalted |
Esma Iulia | Exalted |
Esmae | Beloved |
Esmer | Dark beauty |
Esmeralda | Emerald |
Esna | Awakening |
Esosa | God’s gift |
Esra | Travel at night |
Essa | Name of prophet Jesus in Arabic |
Essie | Star |
Estabraq | Brocade, silk |
Estelle | Star |
Estera | Star |
Esya | Pleasant |
Eten | Light |
Ethar | Selflessness |
Ethem | Genuine, sincere |
Eti | Sunbeam |
Ettah | Generous |
Ettie | Star |
Eufrasia | Usefulness |
Eulalia | Sweet-speaking |
Euna | One |
Euphrasia | Cheerful |
Eurydice | Wide justice |
Euxine | Hospitable |
Eva | Life, living one |
Evalyn | Desired |
Evangeline | Messenger of good news |
Eve | Living one |
Evelia | Life |
Evelin | Desired |
Eveline | Desired |
Evelyn | Desired |
Evens | God is gracious |
Evha | Life |
Evie | Life |
Evin | Life |
Evita | Living one |
Evlin | Desired |
Evlina | Life, light |
Ewa | Life, living one |
Eyman | Righteous, blessed |
Ezgi | Melody, tune |
Ezmae | Beloved |
Top E Letter Girl Names Like Arabic Muslim Girl Names And Their Meanings
Here is the list of trendy girl names, like Arabic Muslim Girl Names that start with e and Their Meanings :
1. Eba = Proud
2. Ebaadah = Worshipper of God
3. Ebba = Strong
4. Ebrar = Good deeds
5. Ebru = Marbling art
6. Ebtisam = Smiling
7. Ebunoluwa = Gift from God
8. Ece = Queen
9. Eda = Manners
10. Edalet = Justice, fairness
11. Edina = Wealthy friend
12. Edira = Powerful, noble
13. Edizkan = Strong person with a sharp mind
14. Edna = Delight
15. Edvena = Blessed friend
16. Efa = Life
17. Efana = Kind spirit
18. Efe = Heroic, brave
19. Efehan = Beloved leader
20. Efrah = To rejoice, happiness
21. Efrat = Honored, distinguished
22. Efsa = Strength
23. Efsun = Enchantment
24. Eftelya = Happiness
25. Ege = Aegean Sea
26. Egehan = Ruler of the Aegean Sea
27. Egemen = Dominant
28. Egenaz = Beautiful as the Aegean Sea
29. Egenur = Light of the Aegean
30. Egepembe = Beautiful as the Aegean Sea
31. Egesu = Water of life
32. Egezmen = Gentle ruler
33. Egzona = Happiness, bliss
34. Ehliman = Dreamer
35. Eida = Feast, festival
36. Eifa = To keep one’s promise
37. Eila = Earth, beautiful
38. Eiliyah = Noble, exalted
39. Eima = Leader, ruler
40. Eimaan = Faith
41. Eiman = Faith
42. Eira = Noblewoman
43. Ekima = Wise, intelligent
44. Ekin = Harvest, crop
45. Ekle = Rare
46. Ekra = To progress, to advance
47. Ekrem = Generous, honorable
48. Elanur = Bright, shining
49. Elay = From the moon
50. Elaziz = Most beloved
51. Elbi = Love
52. Elcin = The one who charms
53. Elda = Battle
54. Eleen = The shining light
55. Elena = Shining light
56. Elene = Illumination
57. Elenor = Shining light
58. Eleri = Enough
59. Elgin = Beautiful, noble
60. Elham = Inspiration
61. Eliane = Daughter of the sun
62. Elida = Winged
63. Elif = Slim, tall
64. Elifcan = Beloved soul
65. Elifkiz = Beloved girl
66. Elifnaz = Slim and beautiful
67. Elifsu = Water of life
68. Elika = Pelican of God
69. Elina = Sun ray
70. Eline = Lovely
71. Elira = To be free
72. Eliz = Promise of God
73. Eliza = Unique, precious
74. Elizaveta = God’s promise
75. Elizcan = Beloved and lively
76. Elkay = Created by God
77. Ella = Fairy Maiden
78. Ellin = Sun ray
79. Ellmeera = Princess
80. Elma = Apple
81. Elmas = Diamond
82. Elmascan = Precious like a diamond
83. Elmira = Princess, noble
84. Elna = Torch
85. Elnaz = Most beloved
86. Elnur = Light
87. Elois = Famous in war
88. Elora = God is light
89. Elra = Counsel from the elves
90. Elsa = God’s promise
91. Elsan = Companion, friend
92. Elvin = Friend of elves
93. Elvina = Friend of the elves
94. Elvira = Truth
95. Elyn = Light
96. Elynn = Light
97. Ema = Serious
98. Eman = Belief, faith
99. Emanet = Trust, entrustment
100. Embel = Jewel
101. Eme = All consuming
102. Emele = Work
103. Emer = Swift
104. Emina = Trustworthy, truthful
105. Emine = Trustworthy, reliable
106. Eminecik = Small but trustworthy
107. Emirali = Brave and noble
108. Emirata = Princess, ruler
109. Emircan = Brave soul
110. Emirhan = Ruler, prince
111. Emitis = Shining
112. Emmar = Swift
113. Emrah = Protector of peace
114. Emrecan = Brave soul
115. Emrehan = Brave and noble
116. Enara = Swallow (bird)
117. Enas = Sociable, friendly
118. Enaya = Concern, care
119. Enbiya = Prophets
120. Enci = Pearl
121. Endam = Beauty
122. Endira = Like a goddess
123. Endzela = Snowdrop
124. Eneida = Praiseworthy
125. Enes = Companion, friend
126. Eneser = Friend of the people
127. Engel = Angel
128. Enid = Soul, life
129. Enisa = Good friend
130. Enise = Friendly
131. Eniseli = Joyful and happy
132. Enorah = Light
133. Enya = Kernel, grain
134. Eray = Bright moon
135. Erayda = Admirable
136. Erdemir = Iron man, strong person
137. Erdemli = Virtuous, honorable
138. Erdemmert = Strong and precious
139. Erdemsel = Virtuous and good hearted
140. Erdemsu = Virtuous water
141. Erdenay = Rare moon
142. Ereena = Peaceful
143. Erenali = Brave and noble
144. Erenisik = Happy and joyful
145. Erenkoy = Joyful place
146. Erez = Cedar tree, strength
147. Erifaan = Knowledge, wisdom
148. Erife = Experienced
149. Erina = Beautiful lady
150. Eritre = Free
151. Erkiye = Rare
152. Ermina = Friendly
153. Erna = Serious
154. Ernigar = Pure hearted, innocent
155. Ersila = Delicate
156. Ertana = Bravery
157. Erum = Heaven
158. Erva = Health
159. Esemhan = Sweet soul
160. Esen = Wind
161. Esenboga = Strong wind
162. Esengul = Rose of the dawn
163. Esenli = Peaceful, calm
164. Esentepe = Hill of wind
165. Esenya = Wind
166. Eser = Productive
167. Eshal = The name of flower in the heaven
168. Eshmaal = Bunch of red roses
169. Esil = Flowing stream
170. Esila = Graceful
171. Esilda = Conquering
172. Esin = Inspiration
173. Esinlimert = Inspirational and precious
174. Esma = Precious
175. Esmanur = Blessing from the sky
176. Esra = She who was named for Jesus
177. Essa = Named for Jesus
178. Essia = The cherished one
179. Estela = Star
180. Esti = Honey
181. Etema = Belief, faith
182. Eteri = Air
183. Ethar = Generous
184. Ethna = Fire
185. Eti = Sun
186. Etkin = Active, energetic
187. Etsen = Faithful
188. Etus = Prized possession
189. Eulia = Well spoken
190. Eva = Life
191. Evalee = Life
192. Evalin = Bird
193. Eve = Living one
194. Evin = House of happiness
195. Evina = Beloved
196. Evlin = Life
197. Evliya = Saintly person, friend of God
198. Evran = Brave warrior
199. Ewa = Life
200. Eydan = Period
201. Eyla = Circle of light around the moon
202. Eyla = Moonlight
203. Eylem = Action
204. Eylin = Noble, exalted
205. Eylul = September
206. Eyman = Righteous
207. Eyupcan = Patient and dear
208. Eyuphan = Patient leader
209. Eyupkiz = Patient girl
210. Eyupnaz = Patient and beautiful
211. Eyupoglu = Son of patience
212. Eyyup = Patient, steadfast
213. Ezana = Comforter, consoler
214. Ezel = Eternal, Unique
215. Ezelhan = Unique ruler
216. Ezelkan = Unique and noble
217. Ezeloglu = Son of uniqueness
218. Ezelyn = Noble one
219. Ezen = Carved in stone
220. Ezgi = Harmony, melody
221. Ezgican = Melodious soul
222. Ezgikan = Melodious and precious
223. Ezgikiz = Melodious girl
224. Ezgimert = Melodious and precious
225. Ezgiye = Melodious and beautiful
226. Ezine = Jewel, precious stone
227. Ezinma = Goodness is in her heart
228. Ezio = Eagle
229. Eziyah = Flourishing
230. Ezo = Precious, valuable
231. Ezra = Helper, aid giver
232. Ezza = Believe in magic
233. Ezzah = A person who gives the honor, respect
234. Ezzah = Respectable, honored
235. Ezzat = Respect, honor
236. Ezmeralda = Emerald stone
237. Ezna = Beautiful and wise
238. Ezzah = A person who gives honor
239. Ezzat = Pride, glory
We’ve carefully selected popular and unique Arabic Muslim girl names starting with e with meanings. Please pick the best Arabic Islamic girl names from our list for your baby.
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