Welcome to our blog post on unique Arabic Muslim boy names starting with C with meanings! Here is a list of 110+ famous Arabic Muslim boy names starting with c and their meanings.
Unique Arabic Muslim Boy Names Starting With C With Meanings
Here is a list of some top Arabic Muslim boy names starting with c, along with their meanings :
Cadir | Tent, pavilion |
Cafer | Stream |
Cag | Era, epoch |
Cagatay | Historical tribal leader |
Cagdas | Contemporary, modern |
Cahid | Warrior, fighter |
Cahil | Youthful, inexperienced |
Cahir | Warrior, soldier |
Cahit | Striver, fighter |
Cainan | Ancient, old times |
Caize | Gain, profit |
Cakir | Fierce, sharp |
Cal | Robust, powerful |
Calik | Vigorous, energetic |
Calip | Beautiful, handsome |
Camid | Silent, quiet |
Can | Life, soul, spirit |
Canbay | King of life |
Canberk | Strong soul |
Candogan | Welcoming life |
Caner | Beloved, sweet person |
Canip | Ardent, fervent |
Cankat | Life and soul |
Canpolat | Steel-hearted, Strong soul |
Cansen | Merry life |
Cansev | Love life |
Cansun | A ray, beam of life |
Cantekin | Lifeblood, essence of life |
Canturk | Turkish life |
Canveren | Giver of life |
Caphar | Warrior, conqueror |
Capkin | Womanizer, flirtatious |
Carik | Messenger, envoy |
Casim | Share, portion |
Catay | Tough, hardy |
Cavan | Young, fresh |
Cavid | Eternal, perpetual |
Cavidan | Eternal life |
Cavit | Desiring, wishing |
Cavus | Sergeant |
Cayir | Meadow, grassland |
Cazim | Praised |
Cebbar | Compelling, forceful |
Cedid | New, fresh |
Cefar | Creek, small river |
Ceferi | Stream, creek |
Ceglani | Warrior, fighter |
Cehennem | Hell, inferno |
Cekim | Attraction, pulling |
Celal | Majesty, grandeur |
Celaledin | Majesty of the faith |
Celalettin | Splendor of faith |
Celaluddin | Glory of religion |
Celik | Steel |
Celikhan | Steel ruler |
Celil | Noble, sublime |
Cem | Ruler, leader |
Cem Sultan | Sultan of beauty |
Cemal | Beauty, attractiveness |
Cemaleddin | Beauty of the faith |
Cemil | Handsome, beautiful |
Cemile | Beautiful, charming |
Cemilhan | Handsome ruler |
Cemre | A warm breeze that indicates the arrival of spring |
Cemrehan | Prince of warmth |
Cemri | A particle, an atom |
Cemsit | Tough, strong |
Cen | Life, soul |
Cendere | Strait, gorge |
Cengaver | Warrior, brave fighter |
Cengiz | Firm, strong |
Cenk | Battle, war |
Cenkci | Warrior, combatant |
Cenkhan | Warlord |
Cennet | Paradise, heaven |
Cepten | Secretly, stealthily |
Ceri | Spring |
Cerrah | Surgeon, doctor |
Cesur | Brave, valiant |
Cetin | Tough, hard, difficult, Firm, solid |
Cetiner | Tough man |
Cevahir | Jewels, gems |
Cevdet | Dignity, pride |
Ceyhun | A river in paradise |
Cezair | Islands |
Cezayir | Islands |
Cezmi | Ambitious, aspiring, Generous, brave |
Cid | Lord, master |
Ciftci | Farmer |
Cihad | Jihad, a religious duty of Muslims |
Cihan | Universe, world |
Cihaner | World man |
Cihangir | Conqueror of the world |
Cihanşah | King of the world |
Cihat | Struggle, fight |
Cinar | A tree known for its shade |
Cinar | Plane tree, a tree known for its longevity |
Civan | Young, lively |
Civanmert | Brave, generous |
Civantu | Gallant, valiant |
Cizir | Brave, valiant |
Coban | Shepherd |
Cömert | Bounteous, generous |
Conker | Very strong |
Coruh | A river in northeastern Turkey |
Cosar | Active, energetic |
Coşgun | Exuberant, lively |
Coskun | Enthusiastic, passionate |
Cotur | Strong, robust |
Cubuk | Stick, rod |
Cudi | A mountain in southeastern Turkey |
Cuhadar | Brave, bold |
Cuma | Friday |
Cumali | Pertaining to Friday |
Cuneyt | Little soldier or warrior |
Cura | Brave, heroic |
Top C Letter Boy Names Like Arabic Muslim Boy Names And Their Meanings
Here is the list of trendy boy names, like Arabic Muslim Boy Names that start with c and Their Meanings :
1. Caden = Spirit of battle
2. Cael = Slender
3. Cai = Rejoice
4. Cailean = Whelp, young puppy
5. Cailin = Powerful warrior
6. Cain = Possessed ownership of something, Acquired
7. Cairbre = Charioteer
8. Caith = From the battlefield
9. Caius = Rejoice
10. Calder = Wild water, stream
11. Caldwell = Cold spring
12. Caleb = Faithful, devoted, whole-hearted
13. Caley = Slender
14. Calhoun = Warrior
15. Callan = Rock, battle
16. Callen = Powerful in battle
17. Callum = Dove, symbolizing peace
18. Calvin = Bald or hairless
19. Cameron = Crooked nose or crooked river
20. Campbell = Crooked mouth or crooked stream
21. Cane = Fighter
22. Cannon = Clergyman
23. Canute = Knot
24. Capri = Fanciful, unpredictable
25. Caradoc = Amiable, beloved
26. Carew = Fort or fortress keep
27. Carl = Free man
28. Carlin = Little champion
29. Carlos = Free man (Spanish version of Charles)
30. Carlton = Settlement of free men
31. Carmichael = Friend or companion of Saint Michael
32. Carmine = Song, crimson colored
33. Carnell = Defender of the castle
34. Carney = Victorious, champion
35. Caron = To love
36. Carrick = Rock
37. Carroll = Fierce in battle
38. Carson = Son of the marsh-dwellers
39. Carter = Cart driver or transporter of goods
40. Cartwright = Maker of carts
41. Carver = Wood carver
42. Casey = Vigilant or watchful
43. Caspar = Keeper of the treasure
44. Caelan = Powerful warrior
45. Cassian = Empty or vain
46. Cassian = Empty, vain
47. Castor = To shine or beaver
48. Cato = Knowledgeable, wise
49. Cavan = Handsome
50. Cecil = Blind
51. Cedric = Bounty, chieftain
52. Celso = High, lofty
53. Cephas = Stone or rock
54. Cesar = Hairy or long-haired
55. Chad = Battle or warrior
56. Chaim = Life
57. Chance = Good fortune
58. Chancellor = Secretary or record keeper
59. Chander = Moon
60. Chandler = Candle maker
61. Channing = Young wolf, from the oak wood
62. Chapman = Merchant or trader
63. Charles = Manly, strong
64. Charleton = From the farm of free men
65. Charlton = Peasants’ settlement
66. Chase = Huntsman
67. Chasen = Hunter
68. Chauncey = Chancellor
69. Chayton = Falcon
70. Chesley = Camp in the meadow
71. Chester = Fortress, camp
72. Chesterfield = From the field of the camp
73. Chewbacca = Dependent on context, fictional character from Star Wars with no specific meaning
74. Cheyne = Oak-hearted
75. Chic = God is gracious
76. Chilton = From the farm by the spring
77. Chord = Musical harmony
78. Chris = Bearing Christ
79. Christian = Follower of Christ
80. Christiano = Follower of Christ
81. Christopher = Bearing Christ
82. Chuck = Manly, strong
83. Chuckie = Free man
84. Cian = Ancient
85. Ciaran = Little dark one
86. Cillian = War, strife
87. Cinar = Life or to live
88. Cipriano = From Cyprus
89. Ciro = Sun
90. Claiborne = Boundary with clover
91. Clancy = Red=haired warrior’s descendant
92. Clarence = Bright, clear, famous
93. Clarion = Clear, bright sound
94. Clark = Clerk, scholar
95. Claude = Lame or crippled
96. Clay = Mortal, place with good clay
97. Clayborne = Born of the earth
98. Clayton = Place with good clay
99. Cleon = Famous
100. Cliff = Cliff=side slope
101. Clifford = Ford by a cliff
102. Clifton = Settlement by a cliff
103. Clint = From the town near the headland
104. Clinton = Enclosure on a hill
105. Clintwood = From Clint’s wood or clearing
106. Clive = Cliffside or steep bank
107. Clovis = Famous warrior
108. Clyde = Heard from the Scottish river Clyde
109. Coburn = Brook by a hillside
110. Codey = Helpful or pillow worker
111. Cody = Descendant of Oda, helper
112. Coen = Wise advisor
113. Cohen = Priest
114. Colby = Coal town or dark village
115. Cole = Swarthy, coal-black, charcoal
116. Coleman = Dove or peace
117. Colin = Young creature
118. Collier = Coal miner
119. Collin = Victory of the people
120. Colt = Young horse
121. Colton = Coal town
122. Conan = Wise or high hill
123. Conner = Desire, wise
124. Connor = Lover of wolves or hounds
125. Conrad = Brave counsel or bold advisor
126. Constant = Steadfast or constant
127. Constantin = Constant or steadfast
128. Constantine = Steadfast, constant
129. Cooper = Barrel maker or trader
130. Corbin = Raven or dark-haired
131. Corey = Hollow, from the round hill
132. Corin = Spear bearer or pure
133. Cormac = Son of the charioteer or son of raven
134. Cornelius = Horn
135. Cortez = Courteous
136. Cory = God’s peace
137. Craig = Rock, rocky outcrop
138. Cramer = Peddler
139. Creighton = Border, boundary settlement
140. Cresswell = Watercress river
141. Creston = Hilltop town
142. Cristiano = Follower of Christ
143. Crosby = Village with crosses
144. Cross = From the cross
145. Cullen = Handsome
146. Culver = Dove, peace
147. Curt = Courteous, polite
148. Curtis = Polite, courteous
149. Cuthbert = Bright, famous, brilliant
150. Cyprien = From Cyprus
151. Cyril = Lordly, masterful
152. Cyrus = Sun or throne
We’ve carefully selected popular and unique Arabic Muslim boy names starting with c with meanings. Please pick the best Arabic Islamic boy names from our list for your baby.
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