Welcome to our blog post on Greek girl names that start with h with meanings! Here is a list of 64 Greek girl names that start with h and have meanings.
Greek Girl Names That Start With H With Meanings
Here is a list of some Greek girl names that start with h, along with their meanings:
1. Haidée = modest
2. Haido = sea
3. Halcyon = tranquil, peaceful
4. Halia = sea
5. Hara = beautiful one
6. Hara = grace
7. Hara = joy
8. Harmonia = harmony
9. Harmonia = unity, concord
10. Harmonie = harmony
11. Hebe = youth
12. Hedone = pleasure
13. Helen = shining light
14. Helene = bright, shining one
15. Helia = sun
16. Helice = turning
17. Helike = sun’s ray
18. Hellas = Greece
19. Heloisa = healthy
20. Heortia = festive
21. Hera = queen of the gods
22. Hermia = earthly
23. Hermione = messenger, earth
24. Hermione = well born
25. Hero = brave woman
26. Heroe = heroine
27. Hesper = evening
28. Hespera = evening
29. Hestia = goddess of the hearth
30. Hestia = hearth, home
31. Hiketeia = oath
32. Hiona = snow
33. Hipatia = supreme
34. Hippolyta = freed horse
35. Hora = season, time
36. Hora = time, season
37. Hortensia = garden
38. Hrisa = golden
39. Hristina = follower of Christ
40. Hyacinth = flower
41. Hyale = clear, crystal
42. Hybris = insolence
43. Hygeia = health
44. Hylaea = wooded
45. Hylas = woodland
46. Hyle = matter
47. Hylea = woods
48. Hyline = of the forest
49. Hyllus = holly
50. Hymenia = of the hymns
51. Hypate = chief
52. Hypatia = highest, supreme
53. Hype = earth
54. Hyperia = the one who goes above
55. Hyperion = above
56. Hyperippe = over the horse
57. Hypermnestra = one who remembers too much
58. Hyperoche = high, lofty
59. Hyperte = surpassing
60. Hypnos = sleep
61. Hypsipyle = high gate
62. Hypsistos = the highest
63. Hysminai = battles
64. Hyssop = sacred plant
We’ve carefully selected Greek girl names that start with h with meanings. Please pick the best Greek girl names that start with h for your baby from our list.
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