Greek Girl Names That Start With B With Meanings

Welcome to our blog post on Greek girl names that start with b with meanings! Here is a list of 47 Greek girl names that start with b and have meanings.

Greek Girl Names That Start With B With Meanings

Greek Girl Names That Start With B With Meanings

Here is a list of some Greek girl names that start with b, along with their meanings:

1. Bacchylides (Βακχυλίδης) = Ancient Greek poet

2. Bambina (Βαμπίνα) = Little girl

3. Bambina (Μπαμπίνα) = Little girl

4. Barbara (Βαρβάρα) = Foreign, strange

5. Bardia (Βαρδία) = Singing

6. Basilia (Βασίλια) = Queenly

7. Basilike (Βασιλική) = Royal

8. Bathyllia (Βαθυλλία) = Deep water

9. Begonia (Βεγκόνια) = Named after the flower

10. Belen (Βελέν) = Arrow

11. Bella (Βέλλα) = Beautiful

12. Bellatrix (Βελλατρίξ) = Female warrior

13. Belle (Μπελ) = Beautiful

14. Berenice (Βερενίκη) = She who brings victory

15. Berenicia (Βερενίκια) = Victory bearer

16. Berenike (Βερενίκη) = Bringer of victory

17. Beronica (Βερονίκα) = Bringer of victory

18. Beryl (Βήρυλλος) = Precious green gemstone

19. Berylla (Βηρύλλα) = Sea-green jewel

20. Beta (Βήτα) = Second letter of the Greek alphabet

21. Bethesda (Βηθεσδά) = House of mercy

22. Bianca (Βιάνκα) = White, pure

23. Bianka (Μπιάνκα) = White, fair

24. Bibiana (Βιβιανά) = Full of life

25. Biblis (Βίβλις) = Mythical water nymph

26. Bithia (Βηθία) = Daughter of God

27. Bithynia (Βιθυνία) = Ancient region in Asia Minor

28. Bithynia (Μπιθυνία) = Ancient region in Asia Minor

29. Blaise (Βλαΐσιος) = Lisp, stammer

30. Blossom (Βλοσσόμ) = Fresh, flourishing

31. Bohdana (Βοντάνα) = Gift from God

32. Briallen (Βριαλλέν) = Primrose

33. Briallen (Μπριαλλέν) = Primrose

34. Brianna (Μπριάννα) = Strong, virtuous, and honorable

35. Briar (Βριάρ) = Thorny bush

36. Briella (Μπριέλλα) = Strong, virtuous, and honorable

37. Brisa (Βρίσα) = Breeze

38. Brisa (Μπρίσα) = Breeze

39. Briseis (Βρισηΐς) = Daughter of Briseus

40. Brisia (Βρισία) = Delicate, gentle

41. Brisia (Βρισία) = Delicate, gentle

42. Brissa (Μπρίσα) = From the forest

43. Bronte (Βροντή) = Thunder

44. Bronte (Μπρόντη) = Thunder

45. Bryna (Μπράινα) = Strong, virtuous, and honorable

46. Bryony (Βρυώνη) = To swell, sprout

47. Brysanthe (Βρυσάνθη) = Fountain flower

We’ve carefully selected Greek girl names that start with b with meanings. Please pick the best Greek girl names that start with b for your baby from our list.

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