Welcome to our blog post on Greek girl names that start with p with meanings! Here is a list of 64 Greek girl names that start with p and have meanings.
Greek Girl Names That Start With P With Meanings
Here is a list of some Greek girl names that start with p, along with their meanings:
1. Pallas = Maiden
2. Panagiota = All hol
3. Pandeia = All bright
4. Pandora = All gifted
5. Pandora = All giving
6. Pankrazia = All powerful
7. Panthea = All the gods
8. Pantheia = All divine
9. Parthenia = Virgin
10. Parthenope = Maiden voice
11. Pascale = Easter child
12. Pasiphae = All shining
13. Pasithea = All goddess
14. Peisistrata = Rule over armies
15. Pelagia = Of the sea
16. Pella = Rock
17. Pelopia = Dark faced
18. Penelope = Weaver
19. Penina = Pearl
20. Perizetis = Surrounded by glory
21. Persefone = Bringer of destruction
22. Persefoni = Bringer of destruction
23. Persephone = Bringer of destruction
24. Persephoneia = Bringer of destruction
25. Petra = Rock
26. Petrina = Stone
27. Phaedra = Bright
28. Phaedria = Bright, radiant
29. Phaenna = Shining
30. Phainarete = Shining, radiant
31. Pherenike = Bringing victory
32. Phile = Loved one
33. Philia = Love, friendship
34. Philomela = Lover of song
35. Philomene = Lover of strength
36. Philyra = Lover of music
37. Phoebe = Bright, shining
38. Phoibe = Bright, radiant
39. Phylomache = Battle loving
40. Placia = Broad
41. Placida = Gentle, calm
42. Platonida = Daughter of Plato
43. Platonida = Daughter of Plato
44. Ploutarche = Wealthy ruler
45. Polydamna = Many gifts
46. Polyhymnia = Many hymns
47. Polyhymnia = Many songs
48. Polymnia = Many hymns
49. Polyxena = Hospitable
50. Polyxena = Very hospitable
51. Polyxene = Hostage
52. Praxithea = Goddess of practical thought
53. Prisca = Ancient
54. Priscilla = Ancient
55. Proserpine = To emerge
56. Prymne = Sea princess
57. Psamathe = Sand goddess
58. Psyche = Soul, spirit
59. Ptolemais = Warlike
60. Ptolemia = Aggressive, warlike
61. Ptolemusa = Warlike
62. Pyrrha = Flame colored
63. Pyrrha = Red haired
64. Pythia = Pythoness, prophetess
We’ve carefully selected Greek girl names that start with p with meanings. Please pick the best Greek girl names that start with p for your baby from our list.
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