Welcome to our blog post on 4 letter boy names beginning with r! Are you searching for a short and sweet name for your little prince? Look at most 4 letter boy names beginning with r.
Here, you get 145+ 4 letter boy names beginning with r with meanings.
So, let’s look at 4 letter boy names beginning with r with meanings.
4 Letter Boy Names Beginning With R With Meanings
Here is a complete list of 4 Letter Boy Names Beginning With R and their meanings :
Rabi | Gentle or kind |
Race | Running competition |
Radu | Happy, joyful |
Raeg | Counselor |
Rael | God has seen |
Rafe | Compassionate, merciful |
Raff | Red-haired wolf |
Rafi | Exalted |
Raif | Merciful, gentle |
Rain | Abundant blessings from above |
Rait | Shield wolf |
Rald | Famous leader |
Ralf | Wise counselor and leader |
Rami | Loving and tender |
Rams | Ram, male sheep |
Rana | Joyful songbird |
Rand | Shield-wolf or protector |
Rank | High status |
Rann | Raven |
Rary | Marksman |
Rash | Energetic, quick-minded |
Rash | Young gazelle |
Rask | Swift, quick |
Rast | Beloved |
Rato | Happiness, Joy |
Raul | Wise counselor and leader |
Raux | Bold king |
Ravi | Sun or radiant energy |
Rawl | Famous land |
Raya | Flowing river or stream |
Raye | Regal, kingly or queenly |
Rayn | Strong judgment or discernment |
Rays | Beams of light |
Raze | To destroy |
Reah | Flowing river or stream |
Ream | Brook or stream |
Reed | Red-haired or red-headed |
Reef | Coral ridge |
Reen | Little king |
Rees | Ardor |
Regi | Ruler's advisor |
Reid | Red-haired ruler or counselor |
Rein | Pure |
Reld | Counselor-ruler |
Remy | Oarsman or one who provides remedies |
Rene | Reborn |
Reno | Advice or decision |
Reon | Ruler's advisor |
Ress | Love |
Rett | Speaker |
Reve | Dream |
Revy | Revival |
Rexp | King of peace |
Rext | King |
Rexx | King of peace and prosperity |
Reys | Rich and powerful ruler |
Rhea | Flowing stream |
Rhey | King |
Rhon | Powerful ruler or kingly |
Rhys | Ardent, enthusiastic |
Rian | Little king or great queen |
Rich | Wealthy and prosperous |
Rick | Brave and powerful ruler |
Rico | Strong ruler |
Riek | Powerful ruler |
Riel | God is my strength |
Rien | King |
Ries | Of the sea |
Rife | Abundant, prevalent |
Riff | Musical phrase |
Rift | A crack or fissure |
Rigg | Ridge |
Rill | Small river |
Rink | Ice-skating arena |
Rinn | Beloved |
Rio | River or stream |
Riss | Dew of the sea |
Ritz | Ritzy, luxurious |
Riya | Singer or musician |
Roan | Little redhead |
Robb | Bright fame |
Robi | Famous and bright |
Roby | Bright fame |
Rock | Rocky hill or mountain |
Roco | Rest |
Rode | Famous power |
Roel | Famous land or ruler |
Roko | Rest |
Rold | Famous land |
Rolf | Famous wolf, Wolf counsel |
Roly | Red-haired |
Roma | City of love and beauty |
Rome | Strong and powerful |
Romy | Rosemary or dew of the sea |
Ronn | Ruler with counsel |
Ront | Song |
Rony | Song of joy and happiness |
Rook | Crow |
Roon | Mystery |
Root | Origin or base |
Rora | Bright light or dawn |
Rory | Red king |
Rosa | Rose or flower |
Rose | Symbol of love and beauty |
Roso | Horse; fame |
Ross | Headland |
Ross | Headland or peninsula |
Rosy | Rose-colored or beautiful like a rose |
Rota | Wheel |
Rove | Wanderer |
Rowe | Rowan tree or red-haired |
Rown | Delight |
Roxi | Dawn or sunrise |
Roxy | Dawn, sunrise, or bright light |
Royd | Clearing in the woods |
Roye | Red-haired ruler or king |
Rual | Famous power |
Rube | Behold, a son |
Ruby | Precious red gemstone |
Rudd | Ruddy, red complexioned |
Rudi | Famous wolf |
Rudo | Famous wolf |
Rudy | Famous wolf |
Ruel | Friend of God |
Ruff | Red-haired |
Ruko | Bright son |
Rule | Famous wolf |
Ruly | Famed power |
Rune | Secret knowledge or wisdom |
Ruri | Lapis lazuli |
Rurt | Famous brilliance |
Ruse | Trick, stratagem |
Rush | Swift, energetic movement |
Rusk | Dark-haired |
Ruso | Red-haired |
Ruth | Compassion, friend |
Ruze | Rose |
Ryan | Kingly or regal , Little king |
Ryce | Enthusiasm, zeal |
Ryde | Horse Rider |
Ryer | Island meadow |
Ryke | Powerful ruler |
Ryle | Courageous and strong-willed |
Ryly | Famous and bright |
Rynd | Great king |
Ryne | Kingly or regal |
Ryon | King |
Ryos | Bright son |
Ryot | Peasant revolt, Spear or javelin |
Unique boy names beginning with r
Here is a list of over 130+ unique boy names beginning with r, along with their meanings:
1. Radley = Red meadow
2. Rafael = God has healed
3. Rafferty = Wealthy prosperity
4. Ragnar = Warrior or judgment
5. Raiden = Thunder and lightning
6. Raimond = Wise protector
7. Raimondo = Wise protector
8. Rainier = Strong counselor
9. Raleigh = Red meadow
10. Ralph = Wolf counsel
11. Ramiro = Famous counselor
12. Ramsay = Wild garlic island
13. Randal = Shield wolf
14. Randall = Shield wolf
15. Randolph = Shield wolf
16. Ransley = Raven’s meadow
17. Raphael = God has healed
18. Rashad = Good judgment
19. Rasmus = Beloved
20. Raul = Wolf counsel
21. Rayburn = Deer river
22. Rayden = Thunder god
23. Raylan = Wisely
24. Raymond = Protecting hands
25. Raymondo = Wise protector
26. Reagan = Little king
27. Redmond = Wise protector
28. Reed = Red
29. Reese = Ardor
30. Reginald = Counsel power
31. Reilly = Courageous
32. Rembrandt = Sword’s advice
33. Remiel = Mercy of God
34. Remington = Ridge town
35. Remus = Quick
36. Renaldo = Ruler’s counselor
37. Renault = Ruler’s advisor
38. Renfred = Peaceful raven
39. Renfrew = Quiet river
40. Rennard = Brave and strong
41. Renwick = Raven settlement
42. Renzo = City of laurels
43. Reuben = Behold, a son
44. Reymundo = King’s protector
45. Reynaldo = Counselor ruler
46. Reynard = Strong counselor
47. Reynold = King’s advisor
48. Rhett = Advice
49. Rhodes = Where roses grow
50. Rhodric = King’s ruler
51. Ricardo = Brave ruler, Strong ruler
52. Richart = Strong power
53. Richfield = Powerful land
54. Richman = Wealthy
55. Richmond = Powerful protector, Rich hill
56. Rickson = Powerful army
57. Rico = Strong ruler
58. Ridley = Reed clearning
59. Rigby = Valley’s ruler
60. Rigel = Foot
61. Riker = Rich
62. Riley = Rye clearing
63. Rinaldo = Wise power
64. Ringan = Little saint
65. Ringo = Apple
66. Ringwald = Circular enclosure
67. Rino = Little rhino
68. Riobard = Bright flame
69. Riordan = Poet, bard
70. Ripkin = Little ripe one
71. Ripley = Shouting man’s meadow
72. Rishon = First
73. Risley = Meadow with shrubs
74. Risto = Christ bearer
75. Riston = Settlement near the shrubs
76. River = Stream of water
77. Rivers = Stream
78. Roald = Famous ruler
79. Roan = Little redhead
80. Roar = Battle praise
81. Roarke = Famous ruler
82. Robbie = Bright fame
83. Robson = Bright fame
84. Rocco = Rest
85. Roch = Rest
86. Rockford = Rock crossing
87. Rockland = Rock land
88. Rockwell = Rocky spring
89. Rodd = Famous ruler
90. Rodney = Hrod’s island
91. Rodrick = Famous power
92. Rogan = Red=haired
93. Rogelio = Request
94. Roger = Famous spear
95. Rohan = Ascending
96. Rohen = Ascending
97. Roland = Famous throughout the land
98. Rollo = Famous in the land
99. Roman = Citizen of Rome
100. Romolo = Man of Rome
101. Ronaldo = Rules with counsel
102. Ronan = Little seal
103. Roosevelt = Field of roses
104. Rorick = Famous ruler
105. Roscoe = Deer forest
106. Roswell = Horse spring
107. Roth = Red
108. Rowan = Little red one
109. Rowland = Renowned in the land
110. Royce = Son of the king
111. Royden = Rye hill
112. Royston = Royce’s town
113. Ruan = Little red one
114. Ruben = Behold, a son
115. Rudolf = Famous wolf
116. Rudyard = Red enclosure
117. Rufino = Red haired
118. Rufus = Red haired
119. Rumor = Falsehood or fiction
120. Rupert = Bright fame
121. Ruslan = Lion
122. Russell = Red haired
123. Rusty = Red headed
124. Rutherford = Cattle ford
125. Rutledge = Red ledge
126. Rutley = Root field
127. Ryan = Little king
128. Ryder = Knight, horseman, messenger
129. Ryker = Rich
130. Rylan = Island meadow, Rye land
131. Ryland = Island meadow, Rye land
In conclusion, many unique and powerful 4 letter boy names beginning with r. Choose the best name for your baby from our list of modern and meaningful 4 letter boy names starting with r with meanings.
Before deciding on 4 letter boy names starting with r, consider the meaning and significance of that name.
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